
Buch – Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management and Security

Titel: Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management and Security

Autor: John Rittinghouse, James Ransome

„Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security provides an understanding of what cloud computing really means, explores how disruptive it may become in the future, and examines its advantages and disadvantages. It gives business executives the knowledge necessary to make informed, educated decisions regarding cloud initiatives.

The authors first discuss the evolution of computing from a historical perspective, focusing primarily on advances that led to the development of cloud computing. They then survey some of the critical components that are necessary to make the cloud computing paradigm feasible. They also present various standards based on the use and implementation issues surrounding cloud computing and describe the infrastructure management that is maintained by cloud computing service providers. After addressing significant legal and philosophical issues, the book concludes with a hard look at successful cloud computing vendors.

Helping to overcome the lack of understanding currently preventing even faster adoption of cloud computing, this book arms readers with guidance essential to make smart, strategic decisions on cloud initiatives.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Cloud Computing Paper

Unter http://clouduser.de/publikationen kann ein ausführliches Paper zum Thema Cloud Computing eingesehen und heruntergeladen werden. Das Paper behandelt alle grundlegenden Aspekte rund um das Thema Cloud Computing und beinhaltet ein praktisches Beispiel, wie Cloud Computing im Unternehmen einzusetzen wäre. Zudem wird u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Datensicherheit das Cloud Computing kritisch betrachtet.

Das Paper kann HIER direkt heruntergeladen werden.


Buch – Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Titel: Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Autor: Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter

„Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive look at the emerging paradigm of Internet-based enterprise applications and services. This accessible book offers a broad introduction to cloud computing, reviews a wide variety of currently available solutions, and discusses the cost savings and organizational and operational benefits. You’ll find details on essential topics, such as hardware, platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. You’ll also learn what other organizations are doing and where they’re headed with cloud computing. If your company is considering the move from a traditional network infrastructure to a cutting-edge cloud solution, you need this strategic guide.

– Costs, benefits, security issues, regulatory concerns, and limitations
– Service providers, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo, IBM, EMC/VMware, Salesforce.com, and others
– Hardware, infrastructure, clients, platforms, applications, services, and storage
– Standards, including HTTP, HTML, DHTML, XMPP, SSL, and OpenID
– Web services, such as REST, SOAP, and JSON
– Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Software plus Services (S+S)
– Custom application development environments, frameworks, strategies, and solutions
– Local clouds, thin clients, and virtualization
– Migration, best practices, and emerging standards“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best Practices Concepts, Terms, and Techniques for Successfully Planning, Implementing … Enterprise IT Cloud Computing Technology

Titel: Cloud Computing: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best Practices Concepts, Terms, and Techniques for Successfully Planning, Implementing … Enterprise IT Cloud Computing Technology

Autor: Ivanka Menken

„Everything you wanted to know about Cloud Computing but were afraid to ask. This book would be more appropriately titled „The Encyclopaedia of Cloud Computing.“ It covers just about every aspect of Cloud Computing you would be concerned about, from high-level overviews of the different technologies that might be appropriate for upper management, to a very nice series of „hands on“ chapters that walk you through experimenting with several of the Cloud Computing options.
Whether you need a quick primer on Cloud Computing so you can talk shop with those with more detailed knowledge, or want to get a sense of the benefits of the different technologies and how they fit into the big picture of the data center, this book is an invaluable resource. It gives you the vocabulary and understanding of how all the pieces fit together that websites and technical manuals often miss.

A must-buy comprehensive introduction. This book assumes you know nothing about Cloud Computing and quickly reviews some of the buzzwords that frequently get thrown around. It provides a detailed introduction to key topics including Options, and managing a Cloud Computing Project. For business analysts, there is an informative chapter on cost-benefit analysis and several chapters on best practices and pitfalls.

With energy costs, flexibility and scalability becoming a major factor in IT budgets, Cloud Computing will become even more widespread in the future. This is the best introductory book for practitioners and delivers a great overview of the complex world of Cloud Computing, it provides a broad and comprehensive view of the complex world of Cloud Computing, covering a large amount of territory. All of the major Cloud Computing technologies are discussed, along with the various drivers for implementing Cloud Computing, and how to manage migrating to a Cloud Computing environment.

What makes this book stand out from most other resources on the topic is its tone. You’re helpfully guided through the issues and tradeoffs in making a number of decisions on the what, where, when and how of Cloud Computing. This is extremely helpful for an IT manager who needs to come up to speed in a short period of time.

This book is a Well-written technical overview with a great business focus, it is written in a conversational style that contains very clear, succinct conceptual information and technical details interspersed with very pertinent and well-focused stories. The writing style and very well organized structural approach to the topics makes this book very readable by technology analysts, CIOs, and technical project managers who need to be able see the big picture of the „forest through the trees“ in order to understand the total corporate ROI issues with Cloud Computing technology.

Conversely, the book is well suited to industry technologist and software engineers who want to obtain a quick basic working knowledge of the „detailed roots“ of Cloud Computing technology but otherwise would never have been exposed to the broader applicability and global consequences of this very fundamental approach.

The well-organized structure of the book as independent parts, each containing independent chapters, makes it possible to pick and chose what information or level of technical detail is of interest to the reader while still allowing for interrelated topics to be introduced in the proper logically dependent sequence. Chapters such as „Common Terminology“, „Companies involved in Cloud Computing“, „Why Cloud Computing?“, „Benefits of Cloud Computing“, „Cloud Computing Technologies“, „Components of Cloud Computing“, „Migration to Cloud Computing“ and „Contracts, Agreements and Legal Implications“ are precisely what CIOs, IT managers, and technologists need to know.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Titel: Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Autor: Michael Miller

„Computing as you know it has changed. No longer are you tied to using expensive programs stored on your computer. No longer will you be able to only access your data from one computer. No longer will you be tied to doing work only from your work computer or playing only from your personal computer.

Enter cloud computing–an exciting new way to work with programs and data, collaborate with friends and family, share ideas with coworkers and friends, and most of all, be more productive! The “cloud” consists of thousands of computers and servers, all linked and accessible to you via the Internet.

With cloud computing, everything you do is now web-based instead of being desktop-based; you can access all your programs and documents from any computer that’s connected to the Internet. Whether you want to share photographs with your family, coordinate volunteers for a community organization, or manage a multi-faceted project in a large organization, cloud computing can help you do it more easily than ever before. Trust us. If you need to collaborate, cloud computing is the way to do it.

– Learn what cloud computing is, how it works, who should use it, and why it’s the wave of the future.
– Explore the practical benefits of cloud computing, from saving money on expensive programs to accessing your documents ANYWHERE.
– See just how easy it is to manage work and personal schedules, share documents with coworkers and friends, edit digital photos, and much more!
-Learn how to use web-based applications to collaborate on reports and presentations, share online calendars and to-do lists, manage large projects, and edit and store digital photographs.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Nachteile des Cloud Computing

Konstante Internetverbindung
Cloud Computing ist nur möglich, wenn eine Internetverbindung verfügbar ist. Da durch ergibt sich hiermit schon ein Single-Point-of-Failure.

Langsame Verbindungen
Um Cloud Computing akzeptal einsetzen zu können, bedarf es einer schnellen Internetverbindung. Es kann sonst sehr lange dauern, bis die Seiten in einem großen Dokument durchgesehen werden können.

Trotz einer schnellen Internetverbindung können webbasierte Anwendungen langsamer sein als die auf dem lokalen System. Das liegt an der Zeit, die der Transfer benötigt, um die Daten zwischen der Cloud und dem Arbeitsplatzrechner auszutauschen.

Schutz der gespeicherten Daten
Beim Cloud Computing werden alle(!) Daten in der Cloud gespeichert. Dadurch ergeben sich natürlich die Fragen: Wie sicher ist die Cloud? Haben andere, möglicherweise unauthorisierte Benutzer Zugriff auf meine Daten?

Datenverlust durch die Cloud
Im Prinzip sind die Daten durch das Speichern über mehrere Server und Standorte hinweg redundant vor Verlust geschützt. Sollten die Daten nun aber doch aus irgendeinem Grund verloren gehen, existiert kein physikalisches bzw. lokales Backup dieser Daten. Die Daten sind dann einfach weg. Das kann umgangen werden, indem regelmäßig Backups aus der Cloud auf einen lokalen Rechner abgelegt werden, was aber nicht im Sinne des Cloud Computings wäre.

Unternehmen machen sich zunehmend abhängig von ihren Dienstleistern. Wurden Teile der Infrastruktur einmal in die Cloud migriert, ist der Weg zurück nicht mehr so einfach. Die Dienstleister bieten Utilities um die Daten vom Unternehmen in die Cloud zu vereinfachen. Programme um die Daten wieder aus der Cloud heraus zu migrieren existieren aber bisher noch nicht. Genau so wenig existieren Programme um die Daten zwischen unterschiedlichen Anbietern zu übertragen, was daran liegen mag, dass jeder Anbieter mit unterschiedlichen Standards arbeitet. Da bleibt die Frage offen: Einmal Cloud – immer Cloud bzw. immer dieselbe Cloud?


Buch – Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance

Titel: Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance

Autor: Tim Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy, Shahed Latif

„You may regard cloud computing as an ideal way for your company to control IT costs, but do you know how private and secure this service really is? Not many people do. With Cloud Security and Privacy, you’ll learn what’s at stake when you trust your data to the cloud, and what you can do to keep your virtual infrastructure and web applications secure.

Ideal for IT staffers, information security and privacy practitioners, business managers, service providers, and investors alike, this book offers you sound advice from three well-known authorities in the tech security world. You’ll learn detailed information on cloud computing security that-until now-has been sorely lacking.

– Review the current state of data security and storage in the cloud, including confidentiality, integrity, and availability
-Learn about the identity and access management (IAM) practice for authentication, authorization, and auditing of the users accessing cloud services
– Discover which security management frameworks and standards are relevant for the cloud
– Understand the privacy aspects you need to consider in the cloud, including how they compare with traditional computing models
– Learn the importance of audit and compliance functions within the cloud, and the various standards and frameworks to consider
– Examine security delivered as a service-a different facet of cloud security“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google

Titel: Cloud: The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google

Autor: Nicholas Carr

„While it may seem that we’re in the midst of an unprecedented technological transition, Carr (Does IT Matter?) posits that the direction of the digital revolution has a strong historical corollary: electrification. Carr argues that computing, no longer personal, is going the way of a power utility. Manufacturers used to provide their own power (i.e., windmills and waterwheels) until they plugged into the electric grid a hundred years ago. According to Carr, we’re in the midst of a similar transition in computing, moving from our own private hard drives to the computer as access portal. Soon all companies and individuals will outsource their computing systems, from programming to data storage, to companies with big hard drives in out-of-the-way places. Carr’s analysis of the recent past is clear and insightful as he examines common computing tools that are embedded in the Internet instead of stored on a hard drive, including Google and YouTube. The social and economic consequences of this transition into the utility age fall somewhere between uncertain and grim, Carr argues. Wealth will be further consolidated into the hands of a few, and specific industries, publishing in particular, will perish at the hands of crowdsourcing and the unbundling of content. However, Carr eschews an entirely dystopian vision for the future, hypothesizing without prognosticating. Perhaps lucky for us, he leaves a great number of questions unanswered.


Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Vorteile des Cloud Computing

Geringere Kosten für Arbeitsplatzrechner
Für die Nutzung von Cloud Computing Applikationen werden keine leistungsfähigen Arbeitsplatzrechner mehr benötigt. Die Anwendungen befinden sich in der Cloud und nicht mehr lokal auf dem Computer und werden über einenWebbrowser bedient. Dadurch ist eine hohe Rechenleistung und Speicherplatz auf dem lokalen System nicht mehr notwendig.

Das Arbeiten mit lokalen Systemen wird durch die Nutzung von Cloud Computing Anwendungen beschleunigt. Die Software und Daten der Anwender werden nicht mehr lokal gespeichert, wodurch das System entlastet wird.

Geringere Kosten der IT-Infrastruktur
Unternehmen können darauf verzichten in eine Vielzahl eigener leistungsstarker Server zu investieren und stattdessen die Rechenleistung etc. aus der Cloud beziehen. Interessant ist dies vor allem für Unternehmen, die saisonale Hochzeiten ausgleichen müssen und aus diesem Zweck ihre Systeme überdimensionieren müssen.

Geringere Instandhaltungskosten
Durch die Reduzierung der eigenen Serverfarm sinken die Instandhaltungskosten. Die Instandhaltungskosten der Software entfallen praktisch komplett, da dieses durch einen externen Anbieter übernommen wird.

Geringere Kosten für Software
Anstatt für jeden Arbeitsplatz einzelne Softwarepakete zu kaufen, besteht die Möglichkeit nur diejenigen Mitarbeiter die Software in der Cloud nutzen zu lassen, die diese auch benötigen. Selbst wenn die Kosten einer webbasierten Anwendung im Vergleich zu herkömmlicher Software gleich wären, würde die IT-Abteilung durch fehlende Installation und Wartung der webbasierten Software Kosten einsparen können.

Software Updates on Demand
Webbasierte Anwendungen können zentral und praktisch auf die Minute ausgetauscht werden. Die Software ist zu jeder Zeit auf dem aktuellen Stand, egal wann der Benutzer sich anmeldet.

Höhere Rechenleistung
Durch den Einsatz von Cloud Computing haben Unternehmen zu jeder Zeit den Zugriff auf die gesamten Ressourcen der Cloud und sind nicht mehr auf die Geschwindigkeiten beschränkt, die ihr eigenes Rechenzentrum ihnen bietet. Dadurch haben sie die Möglichkeit ihre Daten wie von einem Supercomputer verarbeiten zu lassen.

Unbegrenzter Speicherplatz
Im Vergleich zu einem Arbeitsplatzrechner oder einem Storage in einem Rechenzentrum ist der Speicherplatz in der Cloud praktisch unbegrenzt. Unternehmen haben dadurch den Vorteil ihren Speicherplatz dynamisch zu beziehen. Der angemietete Speicherplatz in der Cloud wächst also mit den Daten, die dort abgelegt werden.

Höhere Datensicherheit
Daten werden in der Cloud redundant (über mehrere Standorte) gespeichert, ein Datenverlust ist dadurch im Prinzip ausgeschlossen. Sollte ein Arbeitsplatzrechner abstürzen, sind die Daten davon nicht mehr betroffen. Lokale Datensicherungen können dadurch entfallen.

Einfachere Zusammenarbeit
Der klassische Dokumentenaustausch funktioniert so, dass die Daten auf einem Server im Netzwerk abgelegt oder per E-Mail an den Kollegen verschickt werden. Dabei konnte immer nur ein Benutzer zur Zeit an dem Dokument arbeiten. Durch das Ablegen der Daten in der Cloud können nun mehrere Benutzer – auch standortübergreifend – gleichzeitig auf ein Dokument zugreifen und dieses ebenfalls zur selben Zeit bearbeiten. Die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb eines Projekts wird dadurch verbessert.

Werden die Daten in der Cloud gespeichert, kann weltweit von jedem Ort, mit jedem Endgerät auf diese Daten zugegriffen werden – vorausgesetzt eine Internetverbindung ist vorhanden.


Buch – Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A Step-by-Step Guide

Titel: Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A Step-by-Step Guide

Autor: David S. Linthicum

„Massive, disruptive change is coming to IT as Software as a Service (SaaS), SOA, mashups, Web 2.0, and cloud computing truly come of age. Now, one of the world’s leading IT innovators explains what it all means—coherently, thoroughly, and authoritatively.

Writing for IT executives, architects, and developers alike, world-renowned expert David S. Linthicum explains why the days of managing IT organizations as private fortresses will rapidly disappear as IT inevitably becomes a global community. He demonstrates how to run IT when critical elements of customer, product, and business data and processes extend far beyond the firewall—and how to use all that information to deliver real-time answers about everything from an individual customer’s credit to the location of a specific cargo container.

Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise offers a clear-eyed assessment of the challenges associated with this new world—and offers a step-by-step program for getting there with maximum return on investment and minimum risk. Using multiple examples, Linthicum:

– Reviews the powerful cost, value, and risk-related drivers behind the move to cloud computing—and explains why the shift will accelerate
– Explains the technical underpinnings, supporting technologies, and best-practice methods you’ll need to make the transition
– Helps you objectively assess the promise of SaaS, Web 2.0, and SOA for your organization, quantify value, and make the business case
– Walks you through evaluating your existing IT infrastructure and finding your most cost-effective, safest path to the “cloud”
– Shows how to choose the right candidate data, services, and processes for your cloud computing initiatives
– Guides you through building disruptive infrastructure and next-generation process platforms
– Helps you bring effective, high-value governance to the clouds

If you’re ready to begin driving real competitive advantage from cloud computing, this book is the start-to-finish roadmap you need to make it happen.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon
