Lünendonk Handbuch Consulting 2018
März 2018
von Lünendonk
In dieser vierten Ausgabe des inzwischen etablierten Handbuchs zeigen die Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf, dass der technologische und konzeptionelle Wandel möglich ist, wenn es Unternehmen und Consultern gelingt, Menschen für die Reise in das – nicht nur digitale – Neuland zu begeistern, sie zu aktivieren und zu neuen Zielen mitzunehmen.
Neben den vielfältigen Fachbeiträgen stellen wir Ihnen in diesem Handbuch auch wieder 60 führende deutsche und internationale Managementberatungen vor. Die Profile zeigen, dass sich die Beratungslandschaft inhaltlich und in der Struktur der Leistungsangebote stark verändert hat. Und sie zeigen, dass Themen wie Wachstum, Effizienzsteigerung und Innovationsstärke unabhängig von Technologien immer Konjunktur haben.
Das Lünendonk Handbuch Consulting 2018 beschreibt die derzeit wichtigen Herausforderungen und Trends im Beratungsmarkt und gibt einen Überblick über 60 führende Managementberatungs-Unternehmen in Deutschland. Damit schafft es Transparenz und Aufmerksamkeit für eine Branche, die in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung ungerechtfertigt eher im Hintergrund steht.
Kaufen: Lünendonk Handbuch Consulting 2018
Beitrag des Kapitels „Künstliche Intelligenz“, Seite 67 ff
SAP on the Cloud (Management for Professionals) (Englisch)
November 2016
von Michael Missbach, Thorsten Staerk, Cameron Gardiner, Joshua McCloud
This book offers a comprehensive guide to implementing SAP and HANA on private, public and hybrid clouds. Cloud computing has transformed the way organizations run their IT infrastructures: the shift from legacy monolithic mainframes and UNIX platforms to cloud based infrastructures offering ubiquitous access to critical information, elastic provisioning and drastic cost savings has made cloud an essential part of every organization s business strategy. Cloud based services have evolved from simple file sharing, email and messaging utilities in the past, to the current situation, where their improved technical capabilities and SLAs make running mission-critical applications such as SAP possible. However, IT professionals must take due care when deploying SAP in a public, private or hybrid cloud environment. As a foundation for core business operations, SAP cloud deployments must satisfy stringent requirements concerning their performance, scale and security, while delivering measurable improvements in IT efficiency and cost savings.The 2nd edition of SAP on the Cloud continues the work of its successful predecessor released in 2013, providing updated guidance for deploying SAP in public, private and hybrid clouds. To do so, it discusses the technical requirements and considerations necessary for IT professionals to successfully implement SAP software in a cloud environment, including best-practice architectures for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS deployments. The section on SAP s in-memory database HANA has been significantly extended to cover Suite on HANA (SoH) and the different incarnations of HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) and Tailored Datacenter Integration (TDI). As cyber threats are a significant concern, it also explores appropriate security models for defending SAP cloud deployments against modern and sophisticated attacks. The reader will gain the insights needed to understand the respective benefits and drawbacks of various deployment models and how SAP on the cloud can be used to deliver IT efficiency and cost-savings in a secure and agile manner.“
Amazon: SAP on the Cloud
Beitrag des „SAP Monsoon“ Kapitels, Seite 179 ff
Platform-as-a-Service Compendium (English, German)
Januar 2015
von Rene Buest, Dr. Carlo Velten
This compendium focuses particularly on the role that “Platform as a Service” offerings play for developers and companies today. Because although after almost a decade of cloud computing the terms IaaS and SaaS are widely known and many companies use these cloud services, only a few companies have so far gathered experience with “Platform as a Service”.
The aim is to provide IT decision-makers and developers with an overview of the various types and potential applications of Platform as a Service. Because there is a wide range of these, extending from designing business processes (aPaaS) right through to the complex integration of different cloud services (iPaaS). To this end, market trends and the emergence of the first PaaS platforms are initially described (Chapter 1) and a definitional basis for the further discussion is provided (Chapter 2). Then follows a description of the various operating models
in which PaaS is now available (Chapter 3). Relevant application scenarios and use cases are contained in Chapter 4.Preceding a detailed profile of the various platforms, providers and technologies in Chapter 7, an analysis of the requirements for Platform as a Service offerings is first provided in Chapter 5, whilst relevant criteria for selecting a provider according to user groups are presented in Chapter 6. Because the requirements of start-ups, established software houses and large companies differ considerably.
Chapter 8 presents the current usage level and planning status of PaaS in corporate practice, based on the results of an initial empirical study which was conducted together with PIRONET NDH. This appraisal is followed in Chapter 9 by a description of the strategies for successful use of Platform as a Service in which the changes with respect to strategy, culture, organisation and processes are examined.
The compendium closes with an assessment of the outlook (Chapter 10) from the analyst’s viewpoint and covers both the strategic development of selected platforms and technologies and how CIOs and developers deal with the topic.
Download the compendium in English: Platform-as-a-Service Compendium – 2015
Download the compendium in German: Platform-as-a-Service Kompendium – 2015