
Cloud Computing Paper

Unter http://clouduser.de/publikationen kann ein ausführliches Paper zum Thema Cloud Computing eingesehen und heruntergeladen werden. Das Paper behandelt alle grundlegenden Aspekte rund um das Thema Cloud Computing und beinhaltet ein praktisches Beispiel, wie Cloud Computing im Unternehmen einzusetzen wäre. Zudem wird u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Datensicherheit das Cloud Computing kritisch betrachtet.

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Buch – Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Titel: Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Autor: Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter

„Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive look at the emerging paradigm of Internet-based enterprise applications and services. This accessible book offers a broad introduction to cloud computing, reviews a wide variety of currently available solutions, and discusses the cost savings and organizational and operational benefits. You’ll find details on essential topics, such as hardware, platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. You’ll also learn what other organizations are doing and where they’re headed with cloud computing. If your company is considering the move from a traditional network infrastructure to a cutting-edge cloud solution, you need this strategic guide.

– Costs, benefits, security issues, regulatory concerns, and limitations
– Service providers, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo, IBM, EMC/VMware, Salesforce.com, and others
– Hardware, infrastructure, clients, platforms, applications, services, and storage
– Standards, including HTTP, HTML, DHTML, XMPP, SSL, and OpenID
– Web services, such as REST, SOAP, and JSON
– Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Software plus Services (S+S)
– Custom application development environments, frameworks, strategies, and solutions
– Local clouds, thin clients, and virtualization
– Migration, best practices, and emerging standards“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Titel: Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Autor: Michael Miller

„Computing as you know it has changed. No longer are you tied to using expensive programs stored on your computer. No longer will you be able to only access your data from one computer. No longer will you be tied to doing work only from your work computer or playing only from your personal computer.

Enter cloud computing–an exciting new way to work with programs and data, collaborate with friends and family, share ideas with coworkers and friends, and most of all, be more productive! The “cloud” consists of thousands of computers and servers, all linked and accessible to you via the Internet.

With cloud computing, everything you do is now web-based instead of being desktop-based; you can access all your programs and documents from any computer that’s connected to the Internet. Whether you want to share photographs with your family, coordinate volunteers for a community organization, or manage a multi-faceted project in a large organization, cloud computing can help you do it more easily than ever before. Trust us. If you need to collaborate, cloud computing is the way to do it.

– Learn what cloud computing is, how it works, who should use it, and why it’s the wave of the future.
– Explore the practical benefits of cloud computing, from saving money on expensive programs to accessing your documents ANYWHERE.
– See just how easy it is to manage work and personal schedules, share documents with coworkers and friends, edit digital photos, and much more!
-Learn how to use web-based applications to collaborate on reports and presentations, share online calendars and to-do lists, manage large projects, and edit and store digital photographs.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Public Cloud

In der Public Cloud werden die Dienste (Rechenkapazität/ Speicherplatz etc.) gegen Bezahlung oder kostenlos der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Aufgaben, die ein Unternehmen in der Private Cloud vornimmt, werden in der Public Cloud dann von einem Drittanbieter übernommen. Die Aufgaben und Services von unterschiedlichen Kunden werden dabei auf derselben Infrastruktur (Server, Speicher, etc.)
gemeinsam gehostet und verarbeitet. Ein einzelner Kunde hat keine Kenntnis darüber, wessen Dienste ebenfalls auf derselben Infrastruktur gespeichert und verarbeitet werden.