Grundlagen Videos

Video: Was ist Cloud Computing?

Ein Video von Salesforce erklärt sehr schön und deutlich den Hintergrund von Cloud Computing.



Buch – Getting Productive With Google Apps: Increase productivity while cutting costs

Titel: Getting Productive With Google Apps: Increase productivity while cutting costs

Autor: James Beswick

“ Google Apps is a next-generation software suite that can help make your organization more productive while cutting traditional I.T. costs. Collaborate with colleagues and go beyond the desktop with this no-to-low-cost solution that can help practically any size of organization.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Software as a Service Inflection Point: Using Cloud Computing to Achieve Business Agility

Titel: Software as a Service Inflection Point: Using Cloud Computing to Achieve Business Agility

Autor: Melvin B. Greer Jr

„“True to form, Melvin Greer’s futurist thinking provides new applicability to Software as a Service that identifies ways of reducing costs, creating greater efficiencies, and ultimately providing significant long-term value through business transformation. He continues to be on the cutting edge of merging business function evolution and technology innovation to increase customer satisfaction and return on investments. „-Kevin Manuel-Scott, chairman and CEO, RONIN IT Services, LLC „Melvin Greer provides an excellent guide to the Cloud computing IT model with a solid overview of concepts, business aspects, technical implications, benefits, challenges, and trends. Definitely a ‚must read‘ for IT managers and enterprise architects considering adoption of this flexible, beneficial business model within their organization. „-John Magnuson, senior staff engineer, Lockheed Martin „This book offers the most comprehensive view of Cloud computing and SaaS on the market today. The author skillfully lays out a game plan for government and commercial entities alike looking to stay relevant in this burgeoning business paradigm. „-Ken Brown, program account executive, IBM FederalAlmost every business reaches a time when the fundamentals change. This time is referred to as a strategic inflection point. Adopting new technology or fighting the competition may not be enough when these critical moments arise. That’s because inflection points build up force so quickly that organizations may have a hard time even putting a finger on what has changed. The way a firm responds could propel it to new heights or lead to its demise. Over the last few years, industry has begun developing a model of information technology known as Cloud computing, which includes Software as a Service. This new model has reached an inflection point and will give users the choice to purchase IT as a service, as a complement to, or as a replacement of the traditio.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Cloud Computing Paper

Unter http://clouduser.de/publikationen kann ein ausführliches Paper zum Thema Cloud Computing eingesehen und heruntergeladen werden. Das Paper behandelt alle grundlegenden Aspekte rund um das Thema Cloud Computing und beinhaltet ein praktisches Beispiel, wie Cloud Computing im Unternehmen einzusetzen wäre. Zudem wird u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Datensicherheit das Cloud Computing kritisch betrachtet.

Das Paper kann HIER direkt heruntergeladen werden.


Buch – Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Titel: Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Autor: Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter

„Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive look at the emerging paradigm of Internet-based enterprise applications and services. This accessible book offers a broad introduction to cloud computing, reviews a wide variety of currently available solutions, and discusses the cost savings and organizational and operational benefits. You’ll find details on essential topics, such as hardware, platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. You’ll also learn what other organizations are doing and where they’re headed with cloud computing. If your company is considering the move from a traditional network infrastructure to a cutting-edge cloud solution, you need this strategic guide.

– Costs, benefits, security issues, regulatory concerns, and limitations
– Service providers, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo, IBM, EMC/VMware, Salesforce.com, and others
– Hardware, infrastructure, clients, platforms, applications, services, and storage
– Standards, including HTTP, HTML, DHTML, XMPP, SSL, and OpenID
– Web services, such as REST, SOAP, and JSON
– Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Software plus Services (S+S)
– Custom application development environments, frameworks, strategies, and solutions
– Local clouds, thin clients, and virtualization
– Migration, best practices, and emerging standards“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Titel: Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online

Autor: Michael Miller

„Computing as you know it has changed. No longer are you tied to using expensive programs stored on your computer. No longer will you be able to only access your data from one computer. No longer will you be tied to doing work only from your work computer or playing only from your personal computer.

Enter cloud computing–an exciting new way to work with programs and data, collaborate with friends and family, share ideas with coworkers and friends, and most of all, be more productive! The “cloud” consists of thousands of computers and servers, all linked and accessible to you via the Internet.

With cloud computing, everything you do is now web-based instead of being desktop-based; you can access all your programs and documents from any computer that’s connected to the Internet. Whether you want to share photographs with your family, coordinate volunteers for a community organization, or manage a multi-faceted project in a large organization, cloud computing can help you do it more easily than ever before. Trust us. If you need to collaborate, cloud computing is the way to do it.

– Learn what cloud computing is, how it works, who should use it, and why it’s the wave of the future.
– Explore the practical benefits of cloud computing, from saving money on expensive programs to accessing your documents ANYWHERE.
– See just how easy it is to manage work and personal schedules, share documents with coworkers and friends, edit digital photos, and much more!
-Learn how to use web-based applications to collaborate on reports and presentations, share online calendars and to-do lists, manage large projects, and edit and store digital photographs.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Software as a Service

Software as a Service (SaaS) ist die oberste und letzte Schicht des Cloud Computing Service-Models. Sie stellt dem Anwender vollständige Anwendungen zur Verfügung. Sie kann als eine Art Distributionsmodell verstanden werden, bei dem die Nutzung von Software (Lizenzen) über das Internet von einem Drittanbieter angeboten wird. Der Drittanbieter übernimmt dabei u.a. die Wartung/ Aktualisierung und das Hosting der Software. Für den Anbieter besteht der Vorteil darin, dass nur eine Instanz einer Software auf den Servern bereitgestellt werden muss, welche unzählige Anwender gleichzeitig nutzen können. Wird die Software auf einen aktuellen Stand gebracht, genügt ein Update Vorgang an zentraler Stelle und die Software ist für alle Anwender gleichzeitig aktuallisiert. Der Vorteil für den Anwender besteht darin, dass lediglich – wie schon bei PaaS – nur ein Desktop-PC, ein Web-Browser und eine Internetverbindung ausreicht um z.B. Dienste wie E-Mail, Office Anwendungen oder sogar ERP-Systeme nutzen zu können. Die Anschaffung und Wartung großer Serverlandschaften bzw. Softwarepakete entfällt ebenso wie das ‚lästige‘ Updaten der lokalen Anwendungen. Der Drittanbieter sorgt immer für einen aktuellen Stand der Software und stellt die gesamte Infrastruktur für das Hosting der Software bereit. Dazu gehören auch das Speichern von Dateien (Dokumenten) auf den Servern des Anbieters. Der Anbieter ist demnach für alle notwendigen Bereiche des Betriebs, wie Verfügbarkeit, Backup, Redundanzen und auch die Stromversorgung verantwortlich. Auch hier erfolgt die Abrechnung wieder mit pay per use, mit dem kleinen Unterschied, dass die Kosten pro nutzenden Anwender der Software berechnet werden.

Software as a Service
Software as a Service [1]

[1] Microsoft Press
Cloud Computing mit der Microsoft Plattform
Microsoft Press PreView 1-2009