On behalf of the editors, business and conference organizers, I deliver high-quality content on specific topics in my research portfolio, including cloud computing, IT infrastructure, IT platforms, Internet of Things and IT strategy.
The following options and tailored content and services are available:
- Articles for Professional Journals
- Whitepapers
- Research Papers
- Corporate Blogs
- Presentations at Conferences
- Conference Moderation
- Advice and Supervision for Conferences
- Webinars
- Publicity, Press Relations and Product Marketing
If you want to book me for a talk, a presentation, an event, a guest post or publication, please contact me under getintouch AT renebuest PUNKT de to discuss your financial requirements/budgets, time schedule and needed services.
Keynote topics: eg. Cloud Computing, IT-Infrastructure/ -Platforms, Digital Enterprise, Digital Life, Artificial Intelligence