Dropbox polarized within the IT departments. From the executive board up to the ordinary employees, people rely on the popular cloud storage service. This is mainly due to the ease of use that is not provided by internal IT departments today. In particular two in Germany developed solutions attack here, which allow companies to implement their own DropBox similar functions within a self-managed IT infrastructure, TeamDrive and ownCloud. TeamDrive represents a fully commercial and proprietary approach. ownCloud an open source approach, but also offers a commercial version. Both claim the title of „Dropbox for the Enterprise“. However, if we are moving exactly in this environment, the issue of security plays a very important role.
This insights paper compares the security architecture behind TeamDrive and ownCloud. The other functions of both solutions are not considered. So it is about the consideration of encryption techniques, data management, data processing and the user authorization, if information is available. In the end, a recommendation for the management is pronounced to assist in decision making.