
"Leitfaden Cloud Computing" des BITKOM

Der Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V. (BITKOM) hat einen Leitfanden zum Cloud Computing herausgegeben, der sich speziell an Unternehmen richtet um sie zu motivieren sich mit Cloud Computing auseinander zu setzen und somit Potenziale für Ihr Business zu erkennen.

Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den geschäftlichen Herausforderungen, den Geschäftsmodellen und der Integrierbarkeit von Cloud-Lösungen in die Geschäftsprozesse. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die strategischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekte.

Der vorliegende Leitfaden umfasst 7 Kapitel. Entscheider finden im Kapitel 1 die wesentlichen Aussagen über die Relevanz von Cloud Computing für ihr Business. Das Kapitel 2 zeigt auf, welchen Einfluss Cloud Computing auf Wertschöpfungsketten ausübt. Im Kapitel 3 werden wesentliche Faktoren erörtert, die die Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit von Cloud Computing determinieren. Das Kapitel 4 ist juristischen Fragestellungen vorbehalten. Einsatzszenarien und –beispiele für Cloud Computing werden im Kapitel 5 erläutert, während das Kapitel 6 den Zusammenhang zwischen Cloud Computing und anderen Technologieentwicklungen beleuchtet. Den Leitfaden rundet eine Checkliste im Kapitel 7 ab.

Der Leitfanden kann auf der Internetseite des BITKOM kostenlos heruntergeladen werden. – DOWNLOAD

An dieser Stelle auch vielen Dank an Herrn Andreas Wilker, der in der Cloud-Community.org | DE auf diesen Leitfaden aufmerksam gemacht hat.


Buch – Cloud Computing Best Practice Specialist Guide for SaaS and Web Applications: Software as a Service

Titel: Cloud Computing Best Practice Specialist Guide for SaaS and Web Applications: Software as a Service

Autor: Ivanka Menken, Gerard Blokdijk

„Software-as-a-service (SaaS), and broader cloud computing, is one of the fastest growing segments of the information technology (IT) industry because it provides a more cost-effective alternative for enterprises to achieve their business objectives than traditional packaged applications.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which a software firm provides daily technical operation, maintenance, and support for the software provided to their client.

The primary goal of this book is to provide the quality education and support materials needed to enable the understanding and application of SaaS and Web Applications in a wide range of contexts.

IT professionals need to know a whole lot more about the various ways of delivering services to the customers and end-users. It is no longer sufficient just to know the differences between Windows based or Linux based architecture. These days, most services will utilize some form of SaaS and Web Applications, be it virtualization or SaaS offerings.

So with the change in computing and IT Service delivery comes a whole new series of qualifications and certification. The SaaS and Web Applications Certification Scheme has been created to support the IT Professional who needs to be a ’niche generalist‘, especially in a rapidly changing area like SaaS and Web Applications.

First, you need to create the foundation – The SaaS and Web Applications Best Practice Guide focuses on the fundamentals, general knowledge, terminology and concepts used in SaaS and Web Applications.

This book Covers:

  • SaaS Solutions: Learn About Software As A Service Solutions, and how to guarantee 99.9% Uptime.
  • SaaS Managed Hosting: Software As A Service Hosting, and How to Ensure successful applications delivery.
  • SaaS Best Practices: See what Leaders in Software-as-a-Service Solutions do.
  • SaaS Software Service: Explore a Wide Range Of SaaS Business Solutions.
  • SaaS Hosting Services and How to Deliver Your Software as a Service.

Filled with thought provoking questions to challenge your thinking and understanding, this book is your Real World Guide to SaaS and Web Applications Skills, with Key information and real world examples organized around the actual day-to-day tasks and challenges you’ll face in the field of IT Management.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications

Titel: Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications

Autor: Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Thomas Wozniak, Santi Ristol

„In today’s dynamic business environment, IT departments are under permanent pressure to meet two divergent requirements: to reduce costs and to support business agility with higher flexibility and responsiveness of the IT infrastructure. Grid and Cloud Computing enable a new approach towards IT. They enable increased scalability and more efficient use of IT based on virtualization of heterogeneous and distributed IT resources. This book provides a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Grids and Clouds and of how companies can benefit from them. A wide array of topics is covered, e.g. business models and legal aspects. The applicability of Grids and Clouds in companies is illustrated with four cases of real business experiments. The experiments illustrate the technical solutions and the organizational and IT governance challenges that arise with the introduction of Grids and Clouds. Practical guidelines on how to successfully introduce Grids and Clouds in companies are provided.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Titel: Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

Autor: Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter

„Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive look at the emerging paradigm of Internet-based enterprise applications and services. This accessible book offers a broad introduction to cloud computing, reviews a wide variety of currently available solutions, and discusses the cost savings and organizational and operational benefits. You’ll find details on essential topics, such as hardware, platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. You’ll also learn what other organizations are doing and where they’re headed with cloud computing. If your company is considering the move from a traditional network infrastructure to a cutting-edge cloud solution, you need this strategic guide.

– Costs, benefits, security issues, regulatory concerns, and limitations
– Service providers, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo, IBM, EMC/VMware, Salesforce.com, and others
– Hardware, infrastructure, clients, platforms, applications, services, and storage
– Standards, including HTTP, HTML, DHTML, XMPP, SSL, and OpenID
– Web services, such as REST, SOAP, and JSON
– Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Software plus Services (S+S)
– Custom application development environments, frameworks, strategies, and solutions
– Local clouds, thin clients, and virtualization
– Migration, best practices, and emerging standards“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon



Buch – Cloud Computing: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best Practices Concepts, Terms, and Techniques for Successfully Planning, Implementing … Enterprise IT Cloud Computing Technology

Titel: Cloud Computing: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best Practices Concepts, Terms, and Techniques for Successfully Planning, Implementing … Enterprise IT Cloud Computing Technology

Autor: Ivanka Menken

„Everything you wanted to know about Cloud Computing but were afraid to ask. This book would be more appropriately titled „The Encyclopaedia of Cloud Computing.“ It covers just about every aspect of Cloud Computing you would be concerned about, from high-level overviews of the different technologies that might be appropriate for upper management, to a very nice series of „hands on“ chapters that walk you through experimenting with several of the Cloud Computing options.
Whether you need a quick primer on Cloud Computing so you can talk shop with those with more detailed knowledge, or want to get a sense of the benefits of the different technologies and how they fit into the big picture of the data center, this book is an invaluable resource. It gives you the vocabulary and understanding of how all the pieces fit together that websites and technical manuals often miss.

A must-buy comprehensive introduction. This book assumes you know nothing about Cloud Computing and quickly reviews some of the buzzwords that frequently get thrown around. It provides a detailed introduction to key topics including Options, and managing a Cloud Computing Project. For business analysts, there is an informative chapter on cost-benefit analysis and several chapters on best practices and pitfalls.

With energy costs, flexibility and scalability becoming a major factor in IT budgets, Cloud Computing will become even more widespread in the future. This is the best introductory book for practitioners and delivers a great overview of the complex world of Cloud Computing, it provides a broad and comprehensive view of the complex world of Cloud Computing, covering a large amount of territory. All of the major Cloud Computing technologies are discussed, along with the various drivers for implementing Cloud Computing, and how to manage migrating to a Cloud Computing environment.

What makes this book stand out from most other resources on the topic is its tone. You’re helpfully guided through the issues and tradeoffs in making a number of decisions on the what, where, when and how of Cloud Computing. This is extremely helpful for an IT manager who needs to come up to speed in a short period of time.

This book is a Well-written technical overview with a great business focus, it is written in a conversational style that contains very clear, succinct conceptual information and technical details interspersed with very pertinent and well-focused stories. The writing style and very well organized structural approach to the topics makes this book very readable by technology analysts, CIOs, and technical project managers who need to be able see the big picture of the „forest through the trees“ in order to understand the total corporate ROI issues with Cloud Computing technology.

Conversely, the book is well suited to industry technologist and software engineers who want to obtain a quick basic working knowledge of the „detailed roots“ of Cloud Computing technology but otherwise would never have been exposed to the broader applicability and global consequences of this very fundamental approach.

The well-organized structure of the book as independent parts, each containing independent chapters, makes it possible to pick and chose what information or level of technical detail is of interest to the reader while still allowing for interrelated topics to be introduced in the proper logically dependent sequence. Chapters such as „Common Terminology“, „Companies involved in Cloud Computing“, „Why Cloud Computing?“, „Benefits of Cloud Computing“, „Cloud Computing Technologies“, „Components of Cloud Computing“, „Migration to Cloud Computing“ and „Contracts, Agreements and Legal Implications“ are precisely what CIOs, IT managers, and technologists need to know.“

Bestellmöglichkeit: Amazon
